Fine Art Photo Prints

Preserve Your Memories with Museum-Quality Prints

DARE Print & Sign Co., your local source for high-quality fine art photo prints in Cañon City, Colorado. Our new offering brings professional-grade printing to your fingertips, perfect for preserving your cherished memories, decorating your space, or giving a thoughtful gift.

Our Offerings

Fine Art Photo Prints:

Our fine art photo prints are perfect for a variety of uses, including personal photo albums, gifts, and home decor. Each print is produced using our state-of-the-art Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 printer, ensuring vibrant colors and stunning detail.

Fine Art Prints:

For those seeking a higher level of artistic quality, our fine art prints are the ideal choice. Printed on premium fine art papers, these prints offer exceptional color depth, texture, and longevity, making them perfect for artwork and professional photography.

Print Sizes and Pricing

Standard Photo Prints:

  • 4 x 6 inches: $2.99
  • 5 x 7 inches: $4.99
  • 8 x 10 inches: $6.99
  • 8.5 x 11 inches: $7.99
  • 11 x 14 inches: $12.99
  • 13 x 19 inches: $14.99
  • 14 x 17 inches: $15.99
  • 17 x 22 inches: $19.99

Fine Art Prints:

  • 8.5 x 11 inches: $14.99
  • 13 x 19 inches: $29.99
  • 17 x 22 inches: $39.99
  • Canvas 13 x 19 inches: $49.99

Paper Options

Glossy and Semi-Gloss Papers:

  • Canon Photo Paper Pro Platinum (PT-101)
  • Canon Photo Paper Plus Glossy II (PP-201)
  • Canon Photo Paper Pro Luster (LU-101)

Matte Papers:

  • Canon Matte Photo Paper (MP-101)
  • Canon Photo Paper Pro Premium Matte (PM-101)

Fine Art Papers:

  • Canon Premium Fine Art Smooth (FA-SM1)
  • Canon Premium Fine Art Rough (FA-RG1)
  • Canon Artistic Matte Canvas (FA-MC1)

Unmatched Quality and Service

At DARE Print & Sign Co., we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality prints using premium materials and advanced printing technology. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every print meets the highest standards, providing you with beautiful, lasting pieces of art.

Key Features:

  • Vibrant Colors and Deep Blacks: Thanks to our LUCIA PRO 11-color ink system.
  • Variety of Finishes: Choose from glossy, semi-gloss, matte, and fine art papers.
  • Professional Quality: Ideal for personal collections, gifts, and professional displays.

How It Works

  1. Choose Your Print: Select your desired print size and paper type from our offerings.
  2. Submit Your Files: Email your photo files to or bring them in on a USB drive. Please ensure your photos are ready to print with all edits completed.
  3. Pick Up Your Prints: Once your order is ready, we'll notify you for pick-up at our shop.

Photo Editing Services:

If you need assistance with editing your photos, we offer professional photo editing services at an hourly rate of $100, billed in increments of 15 minutes at $25.

Ready to preserve your memories with stunning photo prints or fine art prints? Contact DARE Print & Sign Co. today to place your order or to learn more about our offerings. We look forward to helping you create beautiful, lasting prints that you'll cherish for years to come!

Get Quality Full Color Printing and Signs at an Affordable Price

From Design to Print - DARE Print & Sign Co.